The mission of Printing Works of the BNB Corp. is to provide documents and securities for the needs of Bulgarian and foreign state institutions and other clients.
In order to implement this mission and achieve the set high goals, the Company has built and maintains an Integrated System for management in accordance with the requirements of the standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 27001:2022, ISO 27701:2019, ISO 37001:2016, ISO 14298:2013 and ISO 17025:2018, which is subject of periodic review and continuous improvement of effectiveness and efficiency.
Technical quality control is carried out in the Laboratory of the printing house, which is accredited with a Certificate of Accreditation, registry No. 119 LIL 2.10.2023, valid until 12.10.2027, issued by Executive Agency “Bulgarian Accreditation Service”, according to the requirements of Bulgarian state standard (BSS-tr.note) standard EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. By maintaining accreditation, the Printing Works of the BNB Corp. increases the guarantee for the quality of the technical control of all final products, which makes us competitive on the domestic and international market.
The Management Policy is the result of the Management’s commitment to continuously ensuring the conditions for managing the processes in the organization in accordance with the requirements for minimizing the risks of the production activity, for the health and safety of the workers and harmful effects on the environment and in accordance with the current regulations.
Applying our management ideology, we aim to:
– Continuous improvement and increase in the quality of the production and constant review for compliance with the current specialized requirements for the characteristics of the products.
– The company guarantees stakeholders a clear position that it will apply an absolutely uncompromising approach to combating bribery and corruption.
– Development, production and sale of products having the least possible negative impact on the environment, as well as reducing the amount of waste and increasing its effective management.
– Construction of real goals and effective control mechanisms regarding the quality of information security, which are derived on the basis of a detailed risk assessment and comply with the normative national, European and international requirements and standards.
– Considers it his duty and obligation to act honestly, fairly and principled in all his dealings with customers and suppliers on the basis of mutual trust, mutually beneficial conditions and a high level of professional interaction.
– Confirming our leading positions on the national market, as well as expanding our presence on the international market of protected products in compliance with Bulgarian and international legislation, as well as established international norms in the industry.
– Continuous improvement of qualifications, professional development, staff motivation and clear understanding in the distribution of responsibilities across levels and functions.
– Effective management of health and safety risks, adhering to applicable legal and other requirements adopted for implementation and relating to OH&S risks.
– The security of the information is aimed at effective control mechanisms, meeting the requirements of the customers, the international and national norms and standards, guaranteeing the preservation of confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of the information and information assets of the Company.
– Maintains and continuously improves high security standards, due to the special nature of the production of protected products.
– Ensuring strict discipline and personal responsibility for the quality of work, operational control and compliance with regulatory requirements by the Company’s personnel.
– Achieving full employee commitment to the Management Policy and the Company’s goals.
– Strict compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data, applying internal procedures that apply to all individuals associated with the Company.
The Company’s management is committed to spreading and implementing the Management Policy, achieving management objectives, and taking all necessary measures to ensure that the goals are understood and achieved within specified deadlines.
Date: 21.06.2024
Version 014
The mission of Printing Works of BNB Corp. is to provide documents and securities for the purpose of Bulgarian and foreign government agencies and other clients.
As a part of the guarantee of that, in The Printing Works of BNB Corp. measures have been taken to protect this confidence. The company carries out a policy to conduct business in in an honest and ethical manner in accordance with BDS ISO 37001: 2016.
The Printing Works of BNB Corp. applies an absolutely uncompromising approach to bribery and corruption and considers it as a duty and obligation to act honestly, fairly and principally in all of its trades and relations.
The general principles of the policy of BNB Printing House are:
– A zero tolerance against corruption.
– Strict compliance with the national framework, as well as applicable international instruments according corruption.
– Honesty, fairness and respectability in all of its business relationships wherever it operates.
– Apply internal policies and bribery procedures that apply to all employees of the company.
– Conduct regular training for employees and familiarizing its partners on measures against bribery and corruption.
– Continuous awareness and encouragement to open communication, actions based on transparency and will to prevent and react against all forms of corruption.
The Company’s management is committed to the disclosure, explaining and implementing Management policy and Anti-bribery policy to achieve the goals of management, and to take all necessary steps to understand and achieve goals within the deadline.
The laboratory’s management provides for the information and periodic training of the personnel on all documentation requirements, all processes, systems and records relevant to the fulfillment of the requirements of BDS EN ISO/IEC 17 025:2018, included, referenced and related to the management system documentation. Using appropriate forms of information exchange, it promptly informs about the importance of meeting customers’ and other requirements.
Date: 29.07.2020
Version 001
– To ensure the quality, competence, impartiality and consistency of laboratory activities in the TQC sector.
– To ensure the proper functioning of the management system in the TQC sector, achieving the objectives of improving the quality of services provided.
– To actively engage the management of the TQC sector in achieving compliance of the management system with the requirements of BDS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, by continuously improving the efficiency of the management.
– To ensure the quality of the documentation governing the activities of the functioning performance control system.
– To ensure control of the reporting, storage and preservation of results.
– To ensure and monitor the use of technical means and ensure their metrological traceability.
– To provide highly qualified staff and ensure the training of staff working in the TQC sector.
– To ensure that officials are personally responsible according to their respective competences.
– To ensure the management of all information received or created during the execution of laboratory activities and the protection of professional secrecy of the customers’ information in the TQC sector.
– To ensure that the staff in the TQC sector carry out all their activities conscientiously and responsibly, of high quality, with due regard for confidentiality and impartiality, in accordance with the principles of good professional practice.
The laboratory’s management provides for the information and periodic training of the personnel on all documentation requirements, all processes, systems and records relevant to the fulfillment of the requirements of BDS EN ISO/IEC 17 025:2018, included, referenced and related to the management system documentation. Using appropriate forms of information exchange, it promptly informs about the importance of meeting customers’ and other requirements.
Date: 29.07.2020
Version 001